

  • 哲学

    视觉和表演艺术对每个学生的教育都是至关重要的. 正是通过艺术,学生们反思一个社会如何看待自己,表达自己的信仰和原则. 我们的使命是让我们的学生探索艺术与社会之间的关系.



  • Foster Critical Thinking

  • 促进创造力

    To promote student creativity and self-expression



  • 工作室艺术

    This is a general survey course, 在这门课程中,学生将创作一系列反映对艺术和设计的元素和原则的理解的艺术品. It is designed to introduce students to the role of art in history, 教他们艺术批评的语言,并为他们提供视觉思考的工具, conceptually and critically. 本课程将不仅满足纽约要求的毕业,但它也将作为一个先决条件,为所有学生打算采取其他艺术选修课.
  • Foundations of Drawing and Painting

    First Semester Course: Foundations in Drawing and Seeing
    学生将练习传统的绘画练习,以发展绘画静物的技能, 图绘制, 直线透视图, 色调明暗. Additionally, students will explore basic theories on 作文. 
    Second Semester Course: Foundations in Painting
    Students will develop fundamental skills in 原则 of drawing, the relationship of drawing to painting, underpainting techniques, 价值和颜色, 光, 阴影与阴影, 调色板组织, and modeling techniques. 
  • Introduction to 数字艺术

    本课程将向学生介绍平面设计领域以及创建数字视频. 应用ing the Elements of 艺术 and Principles of Design, 对本课程感兴趣的学生将学习创建和操纵图像以及将想法转化为艺术品的基本工具和技术. Emphasis will be placed on The Adobe Suite (Illustrator/ Photoshop/ InDesign, 和iMovie), with basic understanding of photography, 作文, 媒介素养. Students will conceive of and create digital works of art, manipulate pre-existing images, and develop critical thinking skills. 计算机作为一种工具,可以从常见的资源和想象中创造艺术品. Work will be printed and critiqued. 

    -This is an approved elective course for students in any of the Honors Programs.
  • Introduction to Architecture

    This course is designed to introduce students to the ideas, 原则, and methods of solving architectural problems in a studio setting. 本课程的学生将了解建筑的许多方面:阅读和理解建筑图纸, developing drafting skills through freehand and mechanical drawing, utilizing hands-on architecture tools, critiquing historical and current architectural structures, and conceptualizing the development of ideas. Emphasis will be placed on urban development as well as green architecture. 
    学习本课程的学生需要购买一本教科书和一套建筑工具包, including an architecture board, 丁字尺, 三角形, architecture and engineer scales, 等. 
  • AP艺术与设计

    在本课程中, 学生将获得相当于大学工作室艺术基础入门课程的学习经验. 课程结束时, 学生可以选择提交三种不同的作品集——绘画, 二维设计, or 3-D design—each based upon different skills mastered. 本课程为学生提供以下技能类别的练习和发展机会:探究和调查, Making through Practice, 实验, and Investigation and Communication and Reflection. 这门课程教导学生理解艺术和设计的完整性,以及什么是抄袭. If students produce work that uses others’ work, 本课程教导学生如何发展自己的作品,使其超越参考作品的重复。.

  • 时装设计

    本课程将介绍服装的时尚和技术效果图的视觉插图设计. Students will create, 构成, and style fashion figures of their own to use in original design sk等hes. By the end of this course, 学生将能够通过研究情绪板和速写本的创作来找到灵感, 设计一个有凝聚力的服装集合,并使用专业的艺术技术和媒介渲染它们的颜色.
  • Fashion Techniques and Sewing

    This course will be an introduction to the hands-on side of fashion design. Students will learn the garment-making process from start to finish. 他们将从手工和机器缝纫机械和各种整理技术开始. By the end of this course, students will be able to lay out, 减少, and sew an industry-standard pattern.

中学 Courses


  • 艺术6

    本课程的重点是关键的艺术词汇,因为学生开始他们的艺术之旅. They learn about the Elements of 艺术, the fundamental building blocks that artists use to create original work. 他们使用各种媒介来应用这些术语,从油彩到拼贴画再到彩色铅笔. 此外, 当学生们使用这些术语和材料时,他们会了解历史上各种各样的艺术家. 艺术ists such as Pablo Picasso, 布丽姬特莱利, 和乔治·修拉(George Seurat)是各种风格的艺术创作和技术的励志指南. The foundations learned this year will continue throughout middle school.
  • 艺术7

    在本课程中,学生继续学习和探索艺术元素作为艺术创作的一种手段. 然而, 他们也开始学习设计的原则-核心术语,帮助艺术家创造强大的作品. Seventh graders use these terms as they explore more complex materials, such as watercolor and charcoal. They look at artists such as Roy Lichtenstein, Georgia O'Keeffe, and M.C. 埃舍尔. These students begin to collaborate more as well, working on artwork and illustrations in groups as well as across subject matters. 例如, 美术课上的插图成为英语课讲故事和创意写作的灵感源泉. 总之, this year in art is meant to build upon the knowledge learned in sixth grade, 以及通过动手艺术制作和解释扩展学生的技能和创造力.
  • 艺术8

    Eight Grade 工作室艺术 reviews both the Elements of 艺术 and Principles of Design, terminology learned in previous courses. 然而, 八年级学生将超越,因为他们专注于艺术创作的三个主要组成部分:技能建设, 同行的批评, 个人选择. Students learn technical skills in drawing and painting, 从一点和两点视角创作艺术品到三维效果图和静物画,再到先进的水彩技术. 每个学生都将独立研究和调查艺术家,以找到他们想要的灵感, 反过来, use for their own projects. Students create artist statements, describing their process and ideas in detail. 此外, students take additional time to analyze and critique each other’s work, both in-progress and finished projects. 正因为如此, students learn to interpret ideas, think critically and creatively, and discuss artwork in a meaningful way.

Specialized Studies Courses


  • 数字艺术

    Ryken数字艺术课将向学生介绍在计算机上创作艺术品所需的基本技能. 本课程将重点介绍Adobe套件,其中包括Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop和InDesign. 本课程的总体目标是向学生展示呈现数字艺术品的工具. 学生将了解各种计算机程序以及如何在专业环境中使用它们. The student will develop the ability to think critically, analyze and critique art, develop artwork for a specific client and pur构成. 也, 学生将熟悉艺术史的概念,因为它涉及到图形艺术. By the end of this year-long course, 学生将有一个作品集,其中包括广泛的项目和艺术品, including digital landscapes, 标志设计, 数字肖像画, 和摄影.

艺术部门 Members


  • Photo of 帕特里克 马修斯

    帕特里克 马修斯 

    艺术部门 Chairperson
    (718) 836-7100 x835
  • Photo of 乔安娜 Mesiti

    乔安娜 Mesiti 

    (718) 836-7100 x882
  • 戴安娜·托齐的照片

    戴安娜 Tozzi 

    (718) 836-7100


成立于1957年, Xaverian是由Xaverian兄弟赞助的全国13所外围博彩平台之一.