Religion Department

List of 1 items.

  • Philosophy

    The Religion Department seeks to educate the whole student – intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. 我们相信学生丰富他们的教育,当神学探索是他们的经验的一部分,当他们从事他们的思想和想象力. The department's curriculum provides a theological foundation to better inform the student’s faith experience.

Religion Department Goals

List of 5 items.

  • Commit to the Justice and Peace

    To commit onself to the pursuit of justice and peace
  • Deepen One's Spiritual Life

    To deepen one's spiritual life through scripture and prayer
  • Discover the Mystery of God

    To discover the mystery of God in your life and in the lives of the greater community
  • Live an Ethical Life

    To develop one's character by asking what it means to live an ethical life.
  • Pursue Meaningful Relationships

    To pursue meaningful relationships, both in and out of the classroom

High School Courses

List of 8 items.

  • Religion 9

    The freshman religion curriculum reflects the content of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by introducing students, both cognitively and affectively, to the most important themes of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition: (a) understanding our personal identity in response to God’s call to a personal relationship with Him and with our neighbor; (b) our Faith which finds its basis in God’s Revelation and its goal in our Covenant friendship with all persons of good-will; (c) the unique reality of Jesus’ humanity and divinity, especially as he brings us life through his life, death, resurrection and ascension; (d) our vocation to be sharers in the great community of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit; (e) the role of Scripture as the inspired Word of God, and the role of Tradition in handing on a living Faith to us in our own times; (f) the sacredness of our own lives which is brought to greater fullness in the Sacramental life of the Church, especially in the celebration of Eucharist; (g) the awareness that the sacredness of our own identity is also a call to living a moral life that is sustained by prayer and a commitment to a personal spirituality. Assisted by Campus Ministry, students will have a service requirement during each marking period. 大一的课程主要和完整地介绍了四年宗教教育课程的主要主题.
  • Religion 10

    During sophomore year, the student is more fully involved in the scriptures of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Divine Revelation is seen as undergirding this study, and both the desire to know God and true knowledge of God is understood in terms of Grace. Primary emphasis rests on the person and teachings of Jesus: the Incarnation, Redemption, and the Paschal Mystery. The miracle and mystery of Jesus Christ himself, true God and true man, permeates our human history and constitutes the history of our salvation. Our study of Jesus is rooted in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Scriptures. Thus, Creation, the stories of human sin, the Exodus experience, the challenge of the Prophets, 而《体育博彩平台》的祷告则与这段在圣灵大能中持续的救赎历史密切相关, who enlivens our understanding of Jesus in our Study of the Gospels, and our encounter with him in our Sacramental celebrations. Integral to this and complementing the reflective elements introduced in the freshman curriculum, and again with assistance from Campus Ministry, 学生将有机会在以下方面更亲自参与:(a)在呼召和委托方面对福音的理解,这涉及到学生祈祷和回忆的精神, as it challenges him or her to seek after that Call to his or her life and find opportunities to live that Call; (b) to understand that the Gospel Message and the Mission of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools which involves a concern for the poor and a response by projects of service; (c) an understanding that students are writing their own life parables, as they see the biblical message in the context of modern life and living. Assisted by Campus Ministry, students will have a service requirement during each marking period. 二年级的课程为学生准备初级宗教,将耶稣的信息应用于教会的使命和教学,这些使命和教学随着他的生活而发展,并持续到今天. The sophomore research paper is a course requirement. 
  • Religion 11

    大三的课程与大一和大二的课程保持连续性,因为学生们面临着发现契约如何的挑战, first articulated in the Hebrew Scriptures, and renewed in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, continues in the mission and witness of the Church. The junior year study then will have two components. First is a study of the Church. 本课程将鼓励学生参与天主教会,以便与耶稣基督有一个真实而生动的相遇. The Church is the living Body of Christ, with both human and divine elements. In this course, the students will learn about key events in the Church’s human history, but always with an eye to her divine mission. Secondly, the course is a study of morality and the personal challenge to develop a conscience, to understand the teaching of the Church on a variety of issues, and to understand that this finds articulation in their commitment to moral life and living. 作为青少年夏令营的一部分,学生们将在校园事工的协助下准备参加CHIPS汤厨.
  • Catholic Studies

    本课程将探讨历史和宗教的交集,以便更好地理解你自己的信仰,并对天主教会在塑造文化的历史中所扮演的重要角色有更大的欣赏, tradition, and world views. 这门课将从耶稣生活的历史时期,以及福音书和其他新约作品创作的历史时期开始. From here, students will explore different periods of history and examine the role the Church has played throughout the world, and later in the year, the focus will shift to its role in American culture. 本课程所涵盖的历史将通过不同的重点问题来探索,这些问题将帮助你思考自己的信仰,以及它与世界各地和整个时代的其他人的关系. Some of these questions include: Why Christianity? Can we trust the Gospels? What is the afterlife like? How has the Church responded to Vatican II? And, how do you experience your faith today?
  • Religions of the World

    In a multicultural city, pluralistic country, and globalized world, understanding cultures and religious traditions is a key skill within government, business, and society. This course is a critical introduction to the study of world religions, exploring the beliefs, rituals, and ethical ideals of representative religious manifestations of past and present. 
  • Catholic Social Justice and Leadership

    In the twenty-first century, strong leaders are needed throughout society. Within this course, students will study examples of leadership within and outside the Catholic tradition, theories of leadership, as well as look to develop their own leadership skills. 学生将研究圣经和现代社会中的预言传统,并认识到他们自己的领导力对世界的影响.
  • Philosophy of God

    This course aims to, in the words of the First Vatican Council, 说明人的思想如何能够发现神的存在和他的基本神圣属性,而不依赖于他在圣经中的自我启示. As students transition from high school to college, they often encounter philosophical and metaphysical questions. For the most part, modern and contemporary philosophy is deist if not outright atheistic. Students who have never studied philosophy may not know that the existence of God can be known through human reason, often resulting in a crisis of faith. 这门课程将向学生介绍哲学作为一门科学,并从那里重点关注那些旨在了解上帝存在的哲学家. While students will be introduced to deist and atheist philosophers, 重点将不一定是为了他们自己的缘故而研究他们,而是使用上帝的理性和有神论思想的礼物来反驳他们.
  • St. John's University Perspectives on Christianity - A Catholic Approach

    In an examination of our current times, 本课程推广基督教教义,并为高年级学生提供一个机会,综合他们在前三年遇到的天主教神学的各个方面. This course incorporates "an introduction to Christianity highlighting belief statements, practices, scripture, rites, theological writings, artistic expressions, 以及其他通过其发展在各种传统中体现和表达基督教信仰的话语”(圣. John's University). 

Middle School Courses

List of 3 items.

  • Religion 6

    This course will explore the Scriptures using historical, literary, and theological tools to help students understand God’s relationship with His people. It will also prepare students to better understand the New Testament and the Church. 
  • Religion 7

    Students will explore the New Testament and develop their understanding of Jesus Christ.  Building upon knowledge of the Old Testament from 6th grade, students will learn about the social, historical, and cultural background of Jesus as His apostles knew Him when He walked the earth. Through reading the four Gospels and supplemental material, students will learn Jesus’ teachings and deepen their understanding of his identity as the Son of God. 他们将研究和讨论新约的信息如何与他们在当今世界的生活相关.
  • Religion 8

    学生将探索天主教会的社会教学,并了解这些课程对他们的天主教徒身份是如何不可或缺的. Drawing upon knowledge from 6th and 7th grade, students will connect themes of social justice to foundational concepts from the Old and New Testaments. 他们将研究历史文献和关于过去社会正义问题的“案例研究”,并与同学辩论和讨论这些话题以及当前的事件.

Specialized Studies Courses

List of 3 items.

  • Culture and Ethics 9

    During the freshman year, the students study the Ancient and Eastern religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Shintoism, and Zoroastrianism. The goal is to help students further their understanding of religions outside their experience. 
  • Culture and Ethics 10

    A course for sophomores designed to give them a solid foundation in the Western religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The information will be disseminated through the use of film, internet research, art, and the text Religions of the World. Students will learn about ancient sacred texts, as well as the various traditions from ancient through modern times. 其目标是帮助学生理解和容忍使美国成为世界上最具活力的社会之一的主要宗教.
  • Culture and Ethics 11

    This course runs in conjunction with the United States History curriculum. The impact of religion and religious groups is looked at, as well as various ethical issues that have impacted the lives of Americans. Students use American film, literature, music, and the internet to deepen their understanding of their inter-relatedness of history and culture.

Religion Department Members

List of 12 members.

  • Photo of Brendan Moloney

    Brendan Moloney 

    Religion Department Chairperson
    (718) 836-7100 x101
  • Photo of Bryan Amore

    Bryan Amore 80

    (718) 836-7100 x803
  • Photo of John Dormer

    John Dormer 

    Campus Minister
    (718) 836-7100 x179
  • Photo of Patrick Drexler

    Patrick Drexler 05

    Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
    (718) 836-7100 x843
  • Photo of Charles Johnston

    Charles Johnston 72

    (718) 836-7100 x795
  • Photo of Edma Jure

    Edma Jure 

    (718) 836-7100 x881
  • Photo of Jon Lindstrom

    Jon Lindstrom 

    (718) 836-7100 x816
  • Photo of Emily Martinez

    Emily Martinez 

    (718) 836-7100 x825
  • Photo of Anna Paolicelli

    Anna Paolicelli 

    (718) 836-7100 x889
  • Photo of James Schreiner

    James Schreiner 04

    (718) 836-7100 x188
  • Photo of Michelle Spinella

    Michelle Spinella 

    (718) 836-7100 x892
  • Photo of Salvatore Tinervia

    Salvatore Tinervia 97

    Campus Minister
    (718) 836-7100 x812


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.