Rising seniors taking Ryken 英语 12 must read the following book and should annotate while reading to help them with an in-class essay during the first week of school.
爱丽丝的导师艾瑞斯·亚当斯登场了. 爱瑞丝想要消失有她自己的原因, 虽然不像爱丽丝, 她既没钱也没办法. That could be changed by the hefty reward Brooke’s grandmother is offering to anyone 谁 can share information about her granddaughter’s whereabouts. 警方确信史蒂夫是罪魁祸首, 但是爱丽丝不太确定, 还有爱瑞丝在她身边, 她也许能证明她的理论.
邦尼和纳西尔一直是最好的朋友, 但当邦妮接受了镇上的体育奖学金, 纳西尔感到被背叛了. 邦尼试着适应他的新, 特权同行, 纳西尔花更多的时间和他的表弟在一起, 华莱士, 谁被驱逐了. Nasir can't help but wonder why the neighborhood is falling over itself to help Bunny when 华莱士 is in trouble.
当华莱士赌邦妮输的时候, 纳西尔面临着一个不可能的决定,也许是一个危险的决定. 从不同的角度讲述, 注射后 is a heart-pounding story about the responsibilities of great talent and the importance of compassion.
在这本感人而引人入胜的回忆录中, 奈尔分享故事, 既令人心碎又幽默, 在一个为听力正常的人建造的世界里航行意味着什么. From growing up in a rough-and-tumble childhood in Queens with his big and loving Italian-American family to where he is now, 奈尔总是被驱使着去探索超越给他的界限.
他是华盛顿著名的聋人大学加劳德特大学数学专业的学生和运动员, dc -奈尔年轻时就迷上了表演, and dove headfirst into the reality show competitions America’s Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars—ultimately winning both competitions.
《体育博彩平台》不仅仅是一本回忆录, it is a cultural anthem—a proud and defiant song of Deaf culture and a love letter to American Sign Language, 奈尔的主要语言. 通过他的故事和他聋哑兄弟的故事, 父母, 和祖父母, 奈尔为聋人的经历打开了许多窗口.
阿拉伯和穆斯林美国人是新一代, 这是美国社会基本上未被讨论的“问题”, 他们的生活并不比一个世纪前非洲裔美国人的生活得到更好的理解. 在恐怖袭击的掩护下, 阿富汗和伊拉克战争, 以及世界各地政治暴力的爆发, a fundamental misunderstanding of the Arab and Muslim American communities has been allowed to fester and even to define the lives of the seven twentysomething men and women 谁m we meet in this book. 他们的名字是拉米, 萨米, Akram, 莉娜, 娅斯敏, 奥马尔, 和夏, 他们都住在布鲁克林, 纽约, 哪个是美国阿拉伯裔美国人最多的地方.
我们见到了萨米, 一位阿拉伯裔美国基督徒, 谁 navigates the minefield of associations the public has of Arabs as well as the expectations that Muslim Arab Americans have of him as a marine 谁 fought in the Iraq war. 和夏, 谁, 和她的父母一起, 妹妹, 和兄弟, 在2002年初被联邦调查局拘留在新泽西监狱. 几个月后,她和她的家人被释放,没有任何解释. 各种各样的戏剧围绕着他们, these young men and women strive for the very things the majority of young adults desire: opportunity, 婚姻, 幸福, 以及发挥他们潜能的机会. 但他们现在所拥有的是不那么确定的生活, 更困难的是, 比他们想象的还要严重:职场歧视, 他们原籍国的战争, 政府监控, 朋友或家人的失踪, 治安维持者的暴力威胁, 以及在恐怖主义时代滋生的一系列其他问题.
然而, 成为一个问题是什么感觉? 把他们斗争的素材编织成令人难忘的故事, 非常美国化, 关于承诺和希望的故事. 在散文中,既直率又抒情, 穆斯塔法·巴尤米让我们像这些男男女女一样看待这个世界, revealing a set of characters and a place that indelibly change the way we see the turbulent past and yet still hopeful future of this country.
爱丽丝的导师艾瑞斯·亚当斯登场了. 爱瑞丝想要消失有她自己的原因, 虽然不像爱丽丝, 她既没钱也没办法. That could be changed by the hefty reward Brooke’s grandmother is offering to anyone 谁 can share information about her granddaughter’s whereabouts. 警方确信史蒂夫是罪魁祸首, 但是爱丽丝不太确定, 还有爱瑞丝在她身边, 她也许能证明她的理论.
在现实中, 镍学院是个恐怖的地方, 在物理, 情感虐待和性虐待很普遍, 在那里,腐败的官员和商人在为外围博彩平台提供物资的交易中生意兴隆, 在那里,任何反抗的男孩都可能消失在“后面”. 震惊地发现自己身处这种恶劣的环境, 埃尔伍德试图坚持金博士的振振有词, “把我们扔进监狱, 我们仍然爱你.' But Elwood's fellow inmate and new friend Turner thinks Elwood is naive and worse; the world is crooked, 唯一的生存之道就是模仿压迫者的残忍和玩世不恭.
The tension between Elwood's idealism and Turner's skepticism leads to a decision which will have decades-long repercussions.
事情发生了奇迹般的转变,朱莉得到了第二次告别的机会. 连接是暂时的. 但听到山姆的声音让她再次爱上了他, 每打一次电话,让他离开就变得越来越难. 然而, 要保守她和山姆超凡脱俗的通话秘密并不容易, 尤其是朱莉目睹了山姆一家所经历的痛苦. 不能站在一旁看着他们共同的亲人痛苦, Julie is torn between spilling the truth about her calls with Sam and risking their connection and losing him forever.
文学和电影12专业即将升学的高年级学生必须做出选择 一个 阅读下列书籍时应作注解. 此外,学生必须观看 两个 并完成下列影片 筛选审查工作表. Students 谁 are ALSO enrolled in 英语 12 or SJU First-Year Writing should choose a book that overlaps with their reading requirements for their other class.
邦尼和纳西尔一直是最好的朋友, 但当邦妮接受了镇上的体育奖学金, 纳西尔感到被背叛了. 邦尼试着适应他的新, 特权同行, 纳西尔花更多的时间和他的表弟在一起, 华莱士, 谁被驱逐了. Nasir can't help but wonder why the neighborhood is falling over itself to help Bunny when 华莱士 is in trouble.
当华莱士赌邦妮输的时候, 纳西尔面临着一个不可能的决定,也许是一个危险的决定. 从不同的角度讲述, 注射后 is a heart-pounding story about the responsibilities of great talent and the importance of compassion.
爱丽丝的导师艾瑞斯·亚当斯登场了. 爱瑞丝想要消失有她自己的原因, 虽然不像爱丽丝, 她既没钱也没办法. That could be changed by the hefty reward Brooke’s grandmother is offering to anyone 谁 can share information about her granddaughter’s whereabouts. 警方确信史蒂夫是罪魁祸首, 但是爱丽丝不太确定, 还有爱瑞丝在她身边, 她也许能证明她的理论.
A young Chinese warrior steals a sword from a famed swordsman and then escapes into a world of romantic adventure with a mysterious man in the frontier of the nation.
一个男人回到了27年前发生过一起令人费解的谋杀案的小镇, 决心把事情弄个水落石出. 就在和美丽的安吉拉·维卡里奥结婚几小时后, 每个人都同意, 巴亚多·圣·罗曼带着耻辱把新娘还给了她的父母. 她悲痛欲绝的家人迫使她说出了初恋情人的名字, and her twin brothers announced their intention to murder Santiago Nasar for dishonoring their 妹妹.
在黑尔舍姆的院子里, 凯西从女学生成长为年轻女子, but it’s only when she and her friends Ruth and Tommy leave the safe grounds of the school (as they always knew they would) that they realize the full truth of what Hailsham is.
别让我走 突破了文学小说的界限. 这是一个扣人心弦的谜团, 一个美丽的爱情故事, and also a scathing critique of human arrogance and a moral examination of how we treat the vulnerable and different in our society. 在探索记忆的主题和过去的影响, Ishiguro takes on the idea of a possible future to create his most moving and powerful book to date.
小说的主人公艾琳·雷德菲尔德是一个有着令人羡慕的生活的女人. 她和她的丈夫, 布莱恩, 杰出的医生, 和他们的儿子们一起住在哈莱姆区一栋舒适的别墅里. Her work arranging charity balls that gather Harlem's elite creates a sense of purpose and respectability for Irene. 但当她遇到克莱尔·肯德利的那一天,她对这个世界的掌控开始下滑, 一个与她失去联系的童年好友. Clare-light-skinned, 美丽的, 而且很迷人——告诉艾琳怎么做, 她父亲死后, 她离开了青少年时期的黑人社区,开始冒充白人, 向所有人隐瞒她的真实身份, 包括她种族歧视的丈夫. 克莱尔开始融入艾琳的生活, 艾琳陷入了恐慌, 害怕克莱尔危险行为的后果. 当克莱尔看到她身后的社区充满活力和活力时, 她想回来的强烈愿望可能会粉碎她精心设计的骗局.
被现代图书馆选为史上100部最佳小说之一, 第五屠宰场, 美国经典, 是世界上最伟大的反战书籍之一吗. 以臭名昭著的德累斯顿燃烧弹为中心, Billy Pilgrim's odyssey through time reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we fear most.
在一个贫穷的, 墨西哥南部的偏远地区, 准军事组织, 红衫军已经控制了局势. 上帝被宣布为非法,牧师们被有计划地追捕和杀害. 现在,最后一个牧师在逃. 太人性了,不适合做英雄, 太卑微而不能殉道, the nameless little worldly “whiskey priest” is nevertheless impelled toward his squalid Calvary as much by his own compassion for humanity as by the efforts of his pursuers.